福特汽车与百度合作 启动自动驾驶联合测试_竞技宝平台官网入口
栏目:科研动态 发布时间:2024-10-15

本文摘要:US automaker Ford has teamed up with Baidu for a two-year autonomous vehicle test project in China.近日,美国汽车制造商福特与百度进行合作,在中国展开为期两年的自动驾驶汽车测试项目。

US automaker Ford has teamed up with Baidu for a two-year autonomous vehicle test project in China.近日,美国汽车制造商福特与百度进行合作,在中国展开为期两年的自动驾驶汽车测试项目。Sherif Marakby, president and CEO of Ford Autonomous Vehicles announced the partnership with Baidus vice president and general manager of its Intelligent Driving Group Li Zhenyu last Wednesday in Beijing.上周三,福特自动驾驶汽车部门总裁兼首席执行官谢里夫·马拉科比与百度智能驾驶事业群副总裁兼总经理李震宇在北京宣告合作。Under the agreement, the two companies will further advance the development and on-road testing of autonomous vehicles in China, the worlds biggest auto market.根据协议,两家公司将更进一步前进自动驾驶汽车在中国的研发和道路测试。

目前,中国是全球仅次于的汽车市场。The collaboration is aligned with Fords plans to further advance and promote autonomous vehicle technologies, supporting the companys vision of designing smart vehicles for a smart world, Ford said in a statement.福特在一份声明中称之为,这项合作与福特更进一步前进自动驾驶汽车的目标完全一致,反对了福特设计“面向未来世界的智能汽车”的愿景。

Working with a leading tech partner like Baidu allows us to leverage new opportunities in China to offer innovative solutions that improve safety, convenience and the overall mobility experience, Marakby said in a statement.马拉科比在一份声明中回应:“与百度这样的顶级科技伙伴合作,将使我们需要利用在中国的新机遇,在提升安全性、便捷性和整体上下班体验等问题上获得创新性的解决方案。”Fords engineers in China have already converted the test vehicles into autonomous platforms to be fit with Baidus Apollo Virtual Driver System.福特在中国的工程师早已将测试车辆切换为自动驾驶平台,以因应百度的阿波罗虚拟世界驾驶员系统。The tests will be conducted on open roads in Beijing that are specially designated for driverless testing, with the option of exploring further opportunities in other Chinese cities.这些测试将在北京专门为无人驾驶测试登录的对外开放道路上展开,也可以在中国其他城市展开。Baidu and Ford both believe in using technology to redefine the future of mobility, said Li, adding that the project will combine the leading-edge technological know-how and understanding of China together with Fords vehicle expertise, marking a significant step forward.李震宇回应:“百度和福特都深信应当用于技术新的定义移动的未来。


