栏目:科研动态 发布时间:2024-10-16

本文摘要:Do you remember the 1980s? It was a decade of big hair, neon-bright clothing and consumerism. A new television network called Music Television, or MTV, launched early in the decade and gave rise to the popularity of music videos. By the end of the 1980s, global politics would change forever as the Berlin Wall fell. During the decade, inventors created some cool devices.还忘记上世纪80年代吗?

Do you remember the 1980s? It was a decade of big hair, neon-bright clothing and consumerism. A new television network called Music Television, or MTV, launched early in the decade and gave rise to the popularity of music videos. By the end of the 1980s, global politics would change forever as the Berlin Wall fell. During the decade, inventors created some cool devices.还忘记上世纪80年代吗?那是一个崇尚大金发,亮闪闪酷炫服饰以及放纵平等主义的时代。新的电视网络——音乐电视,或是MTV(音乐电视频道)的经常出现,造就起一股音乐录像带的潮流。到了80年代末,随着柏林墙的坍塌,全球的政治局面再次发生了根本性的变革。

也就是在那10年间,发明者们建构出有了一些酷炫的设备。This list could easily hold frivolous and quirky inventions -- there was no shortage of odd products in the 1980s. For example, there was the DeLorean DMC-12 sports car. The vehicle was a strange one -- journalists who took it on road tests reported that it handled poorly, didnt accelerate as quickly as other sports cars and wasnt particularly fast. The car had a distinctive look with its stainless steel panels and gull-wing doors, but it seemed doomed to obscurity. But then a little film called Back to the Future came out and propelled the DeLorean to new fame. It joined the ranks of other beloved time machines like the Doctors TARDIS and Bill and Teds phone booth.接下来要讲解的这一榜单非常简单列出了一些琐屑无趣又稀奇古怪的发明者,只不过80年代显然就不缺少这样光怪陆离的产品。

例如德劳瑞恩跑车(Delorean DMC12). 这是一部很怪异的车,那些测试这部车的记者们声称道这部车的操作系统很槽糕,加快一起并不像其他的跑车那样跑完的迅速,甚至跑起来是知道很不悦。虽说这辆车的不锈钢的金属板以及鸥翼的门让它看上去是那么的与众不同,不过它仍然看起来预见会为众人熟知。然而之后一部《回到未来》的电影公映,又使得这部德劳瑞恩跑车名声大噪。

它和《Doctor Who》(英国科幻电视剧)中的TARDIS时间飞船、《阿比阿弟的冒险》中可以穿越时空的电话亭一起晋升为大众心爱机器。Now that weve cleansed the pallet with a goofy entry, lets get down to serious business.我们早已清扫丢弃了那些傻傻呆呆的发明创造,现在竟然我们一本正经地紧贴主题吧!10.Disposable Cameras10.重复使用照相机Like contact lenses, cameras became a disposable commodity in the 1980s. Fujifilm invented the modern disposable camera in 1986 with the Utsurun-Desu, and other major photography companies like Kodak, Canon and Nikon quickly started manufacturing similar products. Buying a camera was no longer a hefty investment: Disposable cameras were cheap and extremely easy to use, perfect for shooting a specific occasion with one roll of film. A built-in flash eventually became the norm for disposable cameras, and some even used a pair of lenses to create a manual zoom.Disposable cameras didnt take over the photography market, but they absolutely cornered the tourism industry. Cheap throwaway cameras were perfect for traveling, easy to use and similarly easy to outfit with plastic cases for underwater shooting.The rise of digital photography spelled an end to the glory days of disposable cameras. With images saved to memory, rather than permanently captured on film, digital cameras introduced infinite re-usability into the camera world. Still, disposable cameras have their place -- theyre great party favors, easy for kids to use, and wont set you back hundreds of dollars after an accidental dip in the ocean.同隐形眼镜一样,照相机也沦为了20世纪80年代风行的重复使用日用品。1986年,富士公司首次发售第一台重复使用照相机——Utsurun-Desu,随后,其他许多大型摄影公司,像柯达、佳能或者是尼康等也陆续发售了类似于的产品。自此,卖一台照相机之后仍然是一项沈重的投资了。



图片可以记忆存储,而不是必需通过胶片才可以永恒留存,数码相机把可无限制重复使用的性能引进了照相机领域。尽管如此,重复使用照相机依然保留他们的一席之地——它们也有仍然热衷它们的追随者,例如,对于孩子来说,还是重复使用照相机用于一起更为便利,即便是不小心掉下来海里,你也会紧绷那随海水飘去的好几百美元。9.Nicotine Patch9.尼古丁贴剂Cigarettes are addictive and unhealthy. Who knew? Well, at one point in time, no one did. Smoking was considered glamorous and was accepted everywhere. Movie stars of the 1940s and 1950s smoked cigarettes in every scene. Even in the 1980s, smoking was still very common. But by then, some researchers were trying to figure out why cigarettes were addictive and looking for a way to break the habit.The most successful of those researchers was probably Dr. Murray E. Jarvik, who studied the effects of nicotine in the 60s and 70s and determined it was the addictive ingredient in tobacco. Jarvik and one of his students knew that tobacco harvesters often suffered from green tobacco illness, a form of nicotine poisoning that resulted from skin contact with tobacco leaves, and began testing the dermal application of nicotine in 1984. And just like that, the nicotine patch was born.Well, almost. Jarviks discovery led to a 1985 patent request from the University of California, but prescription nicotine patches didnt actually hit store shelves until 1992. A few years later, nicotine patches were available over the counter without a prescription, and ever since then, theyve been helping smokers stamp out their cigarette habits.烟草是更容易让人成瘾,并且又不过于身体健康的东西,不过知道有人告诉吗?事实上,一度没有人告诉这一事实。


但是自那之后,一些研究者就想企图弄清楚吸烟者使人成瘾的根源所在,并开始著手找寻一些戒烟的方法。在那些研究者当中,最顺利的难道要数贾维克博士(Dr Jarvik)了。他于60年代到70年代间仍然专门从事于研究尼古丁对人的影响,并指出烟草中有使人成瘾的物质。贾维克同他的一个学生了解到,烟草收成者经常不会受到烟草花叶病的阻碍,而烟草花叶病的病毒感染就是由于烟草叶与皮肤之间再次发生认识而构成的一种尼古丁毒素所致。



自那之后,尼古丁贴剂之后沦为辅助吸烟者戒掉烟瘾的工具之一。8.Prozac8.百忧解Prescription drugs always come with a long, concerning list of side effects, and Prozac is no exception. That doesnt change the fact that Prozac, aka Fluoxetine, has helped millions of people deal with clinical depression since it first became available as a prescription medication in 1987. Fluoxetines potential as a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor was actually discovered in the 1970s, but the FDA didnt give the drug the go-ahead for an entire decade.Fluoxetine was discovered and patented by Eli Lilly and Company in the 1970s; after the FDA approved the drug in 1987, they began marketing it under the name Prozac. The drug became a successful and popular treatment for depression and obsessive compulsive disorder, allowing the brand name Prozac to become synonymous with antidepressants in the 1990s.Despite being so well-known, Prozac isnt the most-prescribed antidepressant in medicine: In the U.S., Sertraline and Citalopram are in higher demand than Fluoxetine. Even those suffering from depression who arent prescribed Prozac may have benefited from the drug: The patent wore off in 2001, allowing generic Prozac alternatives to hit the market.处方药副作用的列表总是很长,百忧解也不值得注意。自1987年百忧解第一次沦为处方药开始,它就早已协助几百万人减轻了临床忧郁症——这一事实无可否认。二十世纪七十年代,人们找到氟西汀可以作为一种选择性血清再行摄入抑制剂。

但是,整整十年,美国食品药品管理局都没批准后用药此药物。二十世纪七十年代,美国礼来公司(Eli Lilly)找到氟西汀,并取得了它的专利。1987年,美国食品药品管理局批准后用药这个药物之后,他们之后开始以“百忧解”的名称销售此药物。该药物沦为化疗抑郁症和强迫症的良方,并很快风行。



